Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goblin Pie.

Questions for discussion:
1) Does this pie costume make the goblin look fat?
2) What's the most creative way to dress up as a goblin wearing a pie costume for less than $20?
3) What shoe size do you estimate this goblin wears?
4)  What's in a name? 
5) How many feet does the monster under your bed have?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ever had one of those days...

...when everybody you encountered sounded like this?

I have!

Questions for discussion:
1) What's the strangest language you've ever spoken/made up?
2) Was Pig Latin invented by real pigs?  Was it invented by fake pigs?
3) What constitutes a "real" pig?  Define what it means to be "real."
4) Do you have an abundance of brown shoes?  Why or why not?
5) If a kingdom made of straw and a kingdom made of chewy candy went to war, who would win?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Late Wedding Day!

Yesterday, I attended (read:  was one of the two maids of honor in) the wedding of two close friends.  I have made a special cartoon to honor them:

Questions for discussion:
1) Which foods just can NOT mix with bacon at all?
2) What is the largest number of wedding veils a bride could wear in her hair?
3) Is that cake alive?
4) What is the "that" to which I referred in the previous question?
5) If the dish ran away with the spoon, does that mean neither of them has to pay taxes?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Abstract Art

I am always skeptical of the word "abstract" in abstract art.  Precisely what is "abstract"?  The definition is too vague.  Some treat the word as if it is synonymous with "interesting," which in itself is also a very vague word. 

Oh well.

Questions for discussion:
1) Is a blob abstract art?
2) What are the boundaries for abstract art for you?  I mean, is a sculpture of a giant glob of gum made from smaller globs of gum really abstract art?  How about your dog's backyard "droppings"?
3) What's the coolest thing you've ever heard a talking blob say?
4) Would you set this as your computer desktop background?
5) What's the derivative of 86x^2 + 7x - 7?  (A little bit of basic calculus a day keeps the doctor away?)

And, if you for some reason wish to download this and set it as your desktop background (basically, if you answered "yes" to question 4), here you go:

Click on the picture to view it in its original size.

On the first serious note in this entire blog, this weekend is a busy one for me:  I'm a maid of honor in my close friend's (read:  evil twin's) wedding.  Forgive me if my updates to this blog haven't been so "daily."  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Clone" you see the rainbow peas?

A terrible pun, I know...

Questions for discussion:
1) Why are these birds staring at these peas?
2) Do you believe in rainbow-colored peas?
3) What kinds of chemicals would cause peas to radiate pink?
4) How many clones do you have? 
5) How many clones of yours do you control?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Are three heads better than one?

What about if all three heads have very different personalities and are stuck to a single plant?

Questions for discussion:
1) How do you feel about the fact that plants like these don't exist yet?
2) If three-headed humanesque plants existed, to whom would you give one as a present?
3) Did you like my very correct use of "whom" in the previous question?
4) If I place a strikethrough in this question, does that mean you'll ignore it?
5) Should raccoons wear monocles?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Today's art work is courtesy of evilbradburb, we think.  Neither she nor I could remember which of the two of us drew this lovely picture. 

Don't just sit there!  Take your father/grandfather/clone out to eat or give him a call or something.  At least give him a call or leave him a hieroglyphic message in a cave, lazy!

Questions for discussion:
1) Should you respect your child's right to be an individual?  What do you mean you don't have a child?!
2) Are unibrows making a come back?
3) Should unibrows be treated as equals?  Are all unibrows equal?
4) Why do these ants have human-esque feet?
5) Have you seen the potato salad that I made earlier today?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Possible symbolic meaning?

...I've got nothing.  See what you make of it.

Questions for discussion:
1) Have you ever created a plan for world domination?  Did it work?
2) Does this picture suggest that the sky is actually purple?
3) What's your least favorite color for a bathroom towel?
4) What came first:  the alligator or the ice cream cone?
5) Would this picture look better if it was flipped upside down?  What about 90 degrees to the left? 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who's your mommy?

Whose eyes are lurking in the background?

Questions for discussion:
1) If it has a trunk, is it an elephant?
2) Is an elephant a mixture of a garden hose and a car?
3) Two legs or four?
4) What is the reddest object you've ever seen?  Was the object on fire?
5) Should elephants wear diapers?  Should diapers wear elephants?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A new form of multiple personality disorder...

If this is what really happened to teeth that were not brushed, more and more people would neglect to brush their teeth.
Who needs friends when your teeth have faces?

Questions for discussion:

1) When was the last time you brushed ALL of your teeth?
2) Do you have any cavities?
3) Do moles hide in your cavities?  Do they sing?
4) Should nachos have teeth?
5) What are you hiding under your teeth?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Everything has a face these days...

It's one of THOSE days.  You know, the kind where you're an abnormally-giant bird with human legs and roller skates standing around with a blank expression on your face and some strange, monster-faced plant that is for some reason embedded in a short farmer's hat is making faces at you.  Do you know what I'm talking about? 

Questions for discussion:
1) Is it one of THOSE days?
2) Do you have roller skates?  Are they as cool as that bird's?
3) Do your socks match today?
4) What's your opinion of plaid shirts?
5) What's your opinion of everything that is not a plaid shirt?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dessert Staredown

Cake vs. pie...on unicycles!

Questions for discussion:
1) Should desserts be allowed to ride unicycles in public?
2) Do you like unicycles?
3) Are you a unicycle?
4) What will happen first:  the first cake President or the first pie President?  In what year do you think this will happen?

Finally, and most importantly:
5) What's the most profound thing you've ever heard a dessert say?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

In the beginning...

Do you like baboons?  Do you like muffins?  Did you catch onto the fact that every question I've written so far in this entry is purely rhetorical?

Welcome to baboon muffin, a blog in which I will hopefully upload a random MS Paint comic daily (or almost daily.)  As you will very shortly find out, when I say "random," I definitely mean it; there is no tracing the stream of consciousness from which the origins of these drawings came.  You can try, but I cannot guarantee success or anything resembling at least minor progress in your analysis.

Anyway, what is a baboon muffin exactly?  It's probably something that looks like this:
I'm not entirely sure how delicious a baboon muffin would be, and I'm not particularly up for finding out any time soon.

Here are some questions for discussion:
1) Do you like muffins?
2) Do you like baboons?
3) Do you like muffins more than baboons?  Are you sure?
4) Should baboons be slaves to muffins?
5) woifjfweioj wioejf weiojfioj iSDOsofiwejiojjDQsdweij?