Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Still here!

Howdy!  Well, that was a completely unnecessarily long hiatus, but I guess I'm back.  Perhaps I should stop saying that I'll post cartoons daily, since that seems like a bit much, especially now that things will begin to get much busier with life.

Oh well, here's today's cartoon:

Questions for discussion
1) If you saw this creature in the water, what would you do?
2) Are you sure you'd even see this creature in the water?  I mean, it has wings, so wouldn't that mean it's an airborne creature?  Does that mean that it flies?
3) Why is the inside of this creature's mouth red? 
4) Is your mouth red?  Is that some sort of sign?
5) If I have five apples, and Sally steals sixteen of them, where did she get the other apples?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Are you a good witch or a rainbow witch?

Questions for discussion:
1) If you saw this witch at your doorstep on Halloween, what would you do?
2) Rainbow hair:  a fashion do or don't?  (I mean, it could technically match anything, right?)
3) Bat bat bat bat bat?  Bat bat bat?  BAT?!  BAT!  BAT?
4) If a red pepper and a green pepper both owned horses, what color(s) would these horses be?
5) If the beans on your dinner plate came to life and started to disco, what would you do?

Note:  I will not be able to post another cartoon for a few days.  Don't worry, however; I'll be back in full force later!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goblin Pie.

Questions for discussion:
1) Does this pie costume make the goblin look fat?
2) What's the most creative way to dress up as a goblin wearing a pie costume for less than $20?
3) What shoe size do you estimate this goblin wears?
4)  What's in a name? 
5) How many feet does the monster under your bed have?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ever had one of those days...

...when everybody you encountered sounded like this?

I have!

Questions for discussion:
1) What's the strangest language you've ever spoken/made up?
2) Was Pig Latin invented by real pigs?  Was it invented by fake pigs?
3) What constitutes a "real" pig?  Define what it means to be "real."
4) Do you have an abundance of brown shoes?  Why or why not?
5) If a kingdom made of straw and a kingdom made of chewy candy went to war, who would win?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Late Wedding Day!

Yesterday, I attended (read:  was one of the two maids of honor in) the wedding of two close friends.  I have made a special cartoon to honor them:

Questions for discussion:
1) Which foods just can NOT mix with bacon at all?
2) What is the largest number of wedding veils a bride could wear in her hair?
3) Is that cake alive?
4) What is the "that" to which I referred in the previous question?
5) If the dish ran away with the spoon, does that mean neither of them has to pay taxes?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Abstract Art

I am always skeptical of the word "abstract" in abstract art.  Precisely what is "abstract"?  The definition is too vague.  Some treat the word as if it is synonymous with "interesting," which in itself is also a very vague word. 

Oh well.

Questions for discussion:
1) Is a blob abstract art?
2) What are the boundaries for abstract art for you?  I mean, is a sculpture of a giant glob of gum made from smaller globs of gum really abstract art?  How about your dog's backyard "droppings"?
3) What's the coolest thing you've ever heard a talking blob say?
4) Would you set this as your computer desktop background?
5) What's the derivative of 86x^2 + 7x - 7?  (A little bit of basic calculus a day keeps the doctor away?)

And, if you for some reason wish to download this and set it as your desktop background (basically, if you answered "yes" to question 4), here you go:

Click on the picture to view it in its original size.

On the first serious note in this entire blog, this weekend is a busy one for me:  I'm a maid of honor in my close friend's (read:  evil twin's) wedding.  Forgive me if my updates to this blog haven't been so "daily."  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Clone" you see the rainbow peas?

A terrible pun, I know...

Questions for discussion:
1) Why are these birds staring at these peas?
2) Do you believe in rainbow-colored peas?
3) What kinds of chemicals would cause peas to radiate pink?
4) How many clones do you have? 
5) How many clones of yours do you control?